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Study Process

The preliminary engineering and environmental (Phase I) study of the Burnham Avenue Railroad Crossing Study will meet all coordination, environmental, public involvement, preliminary engineering, and other requirements in order to arrive at an alternative that meets the project’s purpose and need. The Phase I study is funded by the Surface Transportation Program (STP) Shared Regional Fund administered by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). The Village of Burnham received toll development credits for the local match. 

Phase I Study Process


Existing Conditions

The project team evaluates the existing conditions within the corridor to identify the infrastructure issues. 

Develop Study's 

Purpose and Need

The Purpose and Need identifies the issues and concerns for the project and why the project is necessary. The Purpose and Need is used to guide the development of the project. 

Develop and Analyze Alternatives

The project team identifies potential alternatives and develops criteria to evaluate the proposed designs. 

Evaluate Potential

Impacts & Benefits of

Proposed Alternative

Upon the selection of recommended alternatives, the project team evaluates potential impacts and benefits of the proposed improvements. 

Prepare Phase I
Study Reports

After selecting the preferred alternative, the project team drafts the necessary engineering and environmental reports to obtain Phase I approval.

Transportation Project Development Process

The Burnham Avenue Railroad Crossing Study will follow IDOT’s project development process from planning to construction. 

Phase I

Preliminary engineering and environmental studies

Phase II

Final design, preparation of construction contract documents, and right-of-way acquisition (if required)

Phase III


146(SE)-Vegetation to investigate on southside of Brainard across from BK entrance.JPG

National Environmental Policy Act

All work will be performed in accordance with applicable federal requirements, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). To learn more about NEPA review process, please visit here

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